Friday the 13th: How Companies Promote this Day on Twitter

Being considered an unlucky day, Friday the 13th, conversely, can be quite fortunate for seasoned marketers. On such a day, people flock to anything related to the date like bees to honey.  

So, companies active on social media on Friday the 13th get a free promotion of their products and services, as users tend to repost things they like. We’ve compiled a list of fun Twitter posts to provide you with successful examples of how industry leaders market their businesses.

1. Cisco

2. Airbnb

3. Oreo

4. The Ainsworth

5. Play-Doh

6. Disney

7. AppBuddy

8. Apache Pizza

9. Seabrook Crisps

10. Tillamook

11. Xbox


13.  South Bend International Airport

What’s your favorite Friday the 13th tweet? Share with us in comments.

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