ContentAI: A simple, cost-effective solution to reduce the time and money you’re spending on product descriptions

Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence to create better product content for your Magento website

Most people don’t get into selling online because of a great love of writing product descriptions.  Usually, it’s because they really believe in what they’re selling – and our new ContentAI product helps you focus on that. 

Saving time and money on product descriptions when you’ve got hundreds, even thousands of products to manage

When you’re a retailer, you’ve got hundreds, perhaps even thousands of products to manage on your website, and every single one needs its own descriptions and list of meta tags. Perhaps you’re used to spending hours painstakingly tapping out those descriptions and tags yourself, maybe you’re paying someone else to do it for you. Possibly your supplier takes care of the keywords and meta tags on your behalf, and then it’s over to you to handle all the other niggly little SEO bits around the side. 

Whatever your current approach, chances are that your business is spending time and resources on your website's product and SEO content. 

Imagine if all those hours and all that money could be spent on other things, without compromising your SEO…

Enter OpenAI, and suddenly, everything just got easier – or at least it feels like it should


Whether you’re a fan of OpenAI’s ChatGPT or not, you’ve probably heard of it and understand how it can save time for anyone in the content creation business. 

The extraordinary chatbot that launched late in 2022 uses genuinely natural language to hold human-like conversations and carry out virtually any task put to it. 

But you’re not in the business of content creation, and typing out a brief and uploading every single description, plus all the fiddly SEO content you need for each of your products? That will only add to the time it takes to get the job done. 

Sure, OpenAI is very clever and probably very useful for lots of people – but it can’t log into your website and fill in all the content you need for every single product…Can it?

That’s where ContentAI for Magento 2 comes in. 

Our new ContentAI tool for Magento 2 websites: creating product content on autopilot through the power of AI

Aitoc’s new ContentAI tool effectively bridges the gap between you, your products and OpenAI. This simple, easy-to-use and Hyvä compatible Magento module automates your website's entire content creation process. 

Through powerful scanning, the module will identify opportunities for new content in your catalog and automatically populate your required fields with well-written, compelling copy. This doesn’t just save you time and money, it gets products that had no previous content ready to go live, improves your SEO, AND gives you an edge over your competitors. 

ContentAI for Magento 2ContentAI for Magento 2

ContentAI helps you rank higher in search engines and generate more revenue without wasting your time or resources

If you want your business to rank higher on Google and attract more customers, you need well-written, compelling, and unique content. With ContentAI you can do exactly that, without having to hire a full-time writer or spend hours of your own time on the process. 

And as you take on more and more products, you can quickly feel stuck in an endless cycle of writing descriptions – but not with ContentAI. 

Even when you have a product with no or minimal description text, all you need to do is tell ContentAI what kind of product it is, what features it has, and why a customer might be interested in purchasing it. 

ContentAI will then use this information to generate a detailed, error-free product description that’s both accurate and engaging for the target audience. And just like with ChatGPT, the more data you put in, the more relevant the content produced will become.

And ContentAI doesn’t just provide you with new descriptions from scratch – it’ll improve your existing content too

The ContentAI module can create summarised short descriptions from your existing product descriptions, and for configurable products, it can even tell which attributes should be incorporated into the main descriptions. 

And it’ll keep updating all the time too. 

Through constant scanning, ContentAI will show you an up-to-date to-do list of all the actions required to improve your product descriptions so you can keep improving your SEO all the time. 


Content AI - OpenAI API integrationContent AI - OpenAI API integration


If you’re adding new products to your website and you want to maximise the return from your existing catalog, try ContentAI

Our ContentAI module is ideal for any business based on Magento or Adobe Commerce where content creation is a struggle, feels time-consuming or takes an inordinate chunk of your budget. If you want to save time, money and resource and make the most of your product descriptions and meta tags, you know what to do.

Got questions? Please don’t hesitate to start a live chat on the purple button below, send an email to [email protected] or click here to find out more about ContentAI. 


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