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Order Delivery Date


The Order Delivery Date module allows an option for the customer to select the delivery date for the order they are placing; the date when they would like to receive the order.

Module Demo


Order Delivery Date module is compatible with the following Magento platforms:

Community Edition (Open Source) Enterprise Edition (Commerce) Cloud Edition
2.3.0 - 2.4.* 2.3.0 - 2.4.* 2.3.0 - 2.4.*


Installing module using zip file

  • Unzip and paste the extension file into your root Magento folder.
  • Connect to your server by SSH.
  • Go to your Magento root folder.
  • To install the extension, perform this command:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Composer installation

If you haven't installed any Aitoc module before, in that case first you will need to add your Aitoc composer repository. Please go through the document to see how you can add a composer repository.

To install the module, you will need to run the following commands:

composer require aitoc/module-delivery-date
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
  • To switch the extension on/off, perform these commands:
php bin/magento module:enable Aitoc_DeliveryDate
php bin/magento module:disable Aitoc_DeliveryDate
  • To update the module, use below command:
composer update aitoc/module-delivery-date

Customer Journey

If the module is enabled and the required configuration has been completed, then on the front-end checkout page, the Delivery date selection will appear:

Order Delivery Date)

Users can select the delivery date from available dates on which they would like to receive their orders.

The user won't be able to progress on the next step/payment method selection without selecting a date from the Calendar.

After the user has placed the order, the selected delivery date will appear on the order detail page in Admin (in Sales → Orders → [Order Number] → Information):

Order Delivery Date)

General Configuration

To access the configuration of the module, select Stores → Configuration → AITOC EXTENSIONS → Order Delivery Date from within the admin panel:

Also, you can go to Admin → AITOC → Order Delivery Date → Configuration to access module configuration:

Order Delivery Date)

To start using this module, you'll need to Enable it. This allows you to enable or disable the functionality on a per-website basis.

Order Delivery Date)

The selected day in the First day of the week field will appear in the first column of the date selection Calendar on the checkout page for selecting a delivery date. Eg: If Monday is selected, the Delivery Date Calendar will appear as:

Order Delivery Date)

The first day is Monday here

The selected values/days in the Excluded days field won't be available for selection on the front-end date selection calendar. Eg: Saturday and Sunday are selected, the Delivery Date Calendar will have all weekends unavailable for picking:

Order Delivery Date)

Saturday and Sunday are excluded

If you want to manually exclude any date for selection under Calendar appearing on the frontend, you can specify the date in the Excluded Dates. Eg: on the 3rd of March 2020, you have a holiday or for whatever reason, your business can't deliver goods. You need to add this date manually:

Order Delivery Date)

Then on the frontend, the customer will observe:

Order Delivery Date)

Processing Days

Order Delivery Date)

You need to specify the number of Default processing days which takes an order to get processed. Eg: if it takes 2 days to process an order, then you need to enter 2 here. So, if the current date is 25th Feb 2020 and you have entered 2 as default processing days, then on the frontend the first available delivery date will be Feb 28th:

Order Delivery Date)

Extend processing days, if Enabled, will exclude the dates specified above as excluded; those days or dates won't appear as a selection in the Calendar. Eg: If the current Date is 25th Feb, the Default Processing Days = 4, Excluded Days = Saturday & Sunday. The default 4 days interval finishes on Monday and based on this setting it will be either count weekends (Extend Processing Day disabled) or not (Extend Processing Day enabled):

Order Delivery Date)

Product-based Configuration

When the module is installed, it adds a new attribute "Processing Time (days)" (dt_processing_time). This attribute allows adding value for the delay it takes for processing orders for specific products.

You will be able to find this attribute option on any product detail page configuration in the backend:

Order Delivery Date)

From here, you can define the numeric values for the number of days it takes for processing the order of a particular product.

How will this affect the delivery date selection on the checkout page?

Let's look at the particular example. So, for instance, for any specific product, you have set Processing Time (days) as 2 and in the module configuration, the Default processing days field has been specified as 3. Then on the frontend, if the product has been added to the cart, the delivery date calendar will display the first available date as selection after 3 days (picks highest processing days value from all products in cart and module configuration)

Frequently Asked Questions

Which version of Magento is required?

Order Delivery Date has been tested with versions 2.3.0 to 2.4.* inclusive of the following:

  • Magento Open Source (Community Edition)
  • Magento Commerce (Enterprise Edition)
  • Magento Cloud Edition

How much does it cost?

Pricing is the same regardless of which Magento edition you have. However, if you want us to install the module for you, we charge extra for that.

It is licensed per server, so if you have multiple Magento instances, then you’ll need to purchase multiple licenses.

Is it easy to install?

Yes. The extension is delivered as a Magento module that can be very easily installed. The process should only take minutes. Alternatively, we can install it for you.

Is the source code encrypted?

No. The source code is not encrypted so can be modified.

Is support available?

The extension is fully supported by Aitoc. You are eligible for technical support and product updates for 365 days from the point of purchase. You can extend this, for the additional cost, after it expires to ensure that you continue to receive support and upgrades.

Bug fixes are included within the lifetime of your use of the product regardless of whether you have technical support/product updates. As long as we can replicate the bug in our extension on a clean version of Magento (using a version that is supported by your version of the extension), then we’ll fix it free of charge.

Issues and Support

If you experience any issues with the extension, please do the following:

  • Document in detail what has happened.
  • Include screenshots and error messages.
  • Visit: and create a new account (if you do not already have one).
  • Once logged in, click on SUPPORT, and then the Submit Request button to create a new support ticket.