Shipping Suite
With the Shipping Suite for Magento 2, you can easily manage and customise shipping table rates, rules, and restrictions to take your shipping strategy under control and make both your margins and your customers happy.
Our Magento 2 Shipping Suite includes the following self-contained extensions by Aitoc:
- Shipping Table Rates and Methods for Magento 2
- Shipping Rules for Magento 2
- Shipping Restrictions for Magento 2
- Shipping Cost Calculator for Magento 2
Find out how to install the Shipping Suite for Magento 2 via Composer.
All Aitoc extensions can be customised to fit particular business needs. If you have questions about any customization, please drop a message at [email protected]
Shipping Suite module is compatible with the following Magento platforms:
Community Edition (Open Source) | Enterprise Edition (Commerce) | Cloud Edition |
2.3.0 - 2.4.* | 2.3.0 - 2.4.* | 2.3.0 - 2.4.* |
Installing module using zip file
- Unzip and paste the extension file into your root Magento folder.
- Connect to your server by SSH.
- Go to your Magento root folder.
- To install the extension, perform this command:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Composer installation
If you haven't installed any Aitoc module before, in that case first you will need to add your Aitoc composer repository. Please go through the document to see how you can add composer repository.
To install the module, you will need to run following commands:
composer require aitoc/shipping-rules-suite
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
- To switch the extension on/off, perform these commands:
php bin/magento module:enable Aitoc_ShippingRules
php bin/magento module:disable Aitoc_ShippingRules
- To update the module, use below command:
composer update aitoc/shipping-rules-suite
Shipping Rules
Manage delivery criteria in accordance with your claims.
General Settings
Be sure you’re at Admin Panel, for general settings go to STORES → CONFIGURATION → AITOC EXTENSIONS → SHIPPING RULES → GENERAL SETTINGS.
Choose 'Yes' to enable Aitoc Shipping Rules on. If 'No' - shipping rules won't work despite the extension itself being enabled.
Shipping Calculator
Calculate shipping prices before checkout right on the product page to improve the shopping experience.
General Settings
Choose 'Yes' to enable Aitoc Shipping Cost Calculator on. 'No' - to disable the extension.
Calculator Settings
Here you can configure calculator’s storefront properties and set calculator fields display.
View more about the Calculator Settings in our guide.
Calculator Display and Conditions
Here you can configure the place for shipping calculator block on the product page for special products or product categories and/or disable the display for particular products/categories if needed.
Shipping Rates
Create an unlimited number of flexible shipping methods with their shipping rates and provide your customers with a wide range of shipping options.
Calculation Settings
Read how to set up the calculation in our guide.
After completing all the settings, don't forget to .
Shipping Rules
Shipping Rules are set up in SALES → SHIPPING RULES.
Here you can see all the rules.
Also on this handy grid you can find:
- ID (of the rules)
- Status
- Priority
- Name
- Shipping Methods
- Rule Action
- Base Amount
- Store Views
- Customer Groups
- Action
In the Action column, you can Edit shipping rules.
Moreover, you can tick the rules in the Actions dropdown menu and Delete the rules or Change status to Active/Inactive.
Add Shipping Rule / Restriction
The Magento 2 Shipping Rules extension has a limitless list of various rules in accordance with particular conditions, different countries, specific products, etc.
The Magento 2 Shipping Restrictions allows you to use various parameters (such as a cart, product, customer attributes, payment methods, shipping locations and many more) as a base for shipping methods restrictions.
To create a shipping restriction in the Shipping Suite extension, you need to select the 'Restrict' type of action in the 'Rule Actions' Form.
Field | Specification |
Enabled (Status) | Set the rule as Active or Inactive. |
Name | Specify the name of the shipping rule, which will be used in the admin area. It is also displayed on the grid. |
Description | Fill in the description for the rule. |
Stores | Select store or multiple stores at the same time. Only the products in the selected store will be applied to the restriction. |
Customer Groups | Apply the restriction to the customers of the selected group or multiple groups. |
Priority | Define the priority of the restriction. The smaller the number is, the earlier the restriction will be applied in comparison with others. |
Stop Rule Processing | If the system reaches a rule with the Stop Further Rules Processing flag it will stop going through any lower priority rules. This allows you to make some rules exclusive. |
From Date/To Date | Choose the date/month/year to start/to end applying the rule. |
Shipping and Area Settings
Here you can select shipping carriers and available shipping methods. Also allow to apply a Shipping Rule in selected store areas (Backend & Frontend, Frontend, Backend).
Rule Actions
In this section the following fields are mandatory: Action Type, Apply Type, Calculation and Amount.
There are 4 types of action:
- Restrict - hides the shipping method depending on the conditions set.
- Re-calculate — changes the original shipping rate to another value, applied for the whole cart.
- Surcharge — adds the resulting value to the current shipping rate.
- Discount — deducts the resulting value from the current shipping rate.
Click on the Action Type drop-down list and choose one.
If you choose the 'Restrict' type of action, you can enable the 'Show Restriction Message?' function. Then you're able to write the Restriction Message that will be displayed instead of a blocked shipping method.
In all other cases, click on the Apply Type drop-down list and select Fixed or Percentage fee.
As for the Calculation drop-down list, you have the following choice:
Base Shipping Rate
Percentage type — the fee is calculated depending on the percent from the Cart Subtotal
Fixed type — the original fee is replaced with the new value
Per Product
Percentage type — the fee is calculated depending on the percent from each Item Price
Fixed type — the fee is calculated using the following algorithm: the base rule amount multiplied on the summary of the available QTY in quote
For Each Unit of Weight
Percentage type — the fee is calculated depending on the cost percent of a single unit of the total items weight in the cart
- Fixed type — the fee is calculated using the following algorithm: the base rule amount multiplied on the total items weight in quote
Enter the Percentage or Fixed value in the Amount field.
Product Conditions
Apply the rule only to cart items matching the following conditions (leave blank for all items).
If in the previous section you have chosen Base Shipping Rate in the Calculation field, then you don't see this stage settings.
In the Product Conditions tab we specify the price/quantity/weight that is needed for the rule to be applied.
You can Apply the Rule to:
- All orders. The rule will be triggered ignoring the backorder items in the cart.
- Backorders. The rule will be activated when there are only backorder items in the cart.
- Non backorders. The rule will be activated when there are no backorder items in the cart.
If you selected No option, the rule will not be applied for products with free shipping.
Apply the rule only if the following conditions are met (leave blank for all products).
Click on the plus sign to see the dropdown list and choose a condition to add.
Field | Specification |
Available Days | Select the day or several days when the rule will be active. |
Available Time From/Available Time To | Indicate the time period during which the rule will apply. |
Active if these Cart Price Rules are applied | Make the rule active when the selected Shipping Cart Price rule is applied to the cart. |
Inactive if these Cart Price Rules are applied | Make the rule inactive when the selected Shipping Cart Price rule is applied to the cart. |
Apply the rule depending on Cart Price Rules (It will override the condition above).
By clicking on 'Save' button you can:
Shipping Carriers
Magento has less than a dozen predefined carriers. With the help of our extension, you can create an unlimited number of carriers and methods. The carrier contains shipping methods with different shipping rates.
Here all carriers are displayed.
Also on this handy grid you can find:
- ID
- Title
- Is Active
- Sort Order
- Websites
- Customer Groups
- Countries
- Specific Counties
- Show if not Applicable
- Error Message
- Action
You can tick the carrier in the Actions dropdown menu and Enable/Disable it.
Click to create a new carrier.
Add Shipping Carrier
Field | Specification |
Is Active | Set the carrier as active or inactive. |
Title | Specify the name of the shipping carrier, which will be used in the admin area. It is also displayed on the grid. |
Sort Order | Define the order of the carrier. |
Ship to All Countries | Choose YES/NO here. Select 'NO' if you want to 'Ship to Specific Countries'. |
Ship to Specific Countries | Choose the specific country/countries. Carrier methods will only be shown when shipping to selected countries. |
Show Carrier if not Applicable | Choose YES/NO here. |
Displayed Error Message | Enter an error message. It is also displayed on the grid. |
The next step is to set up Conditions.
- Websites. Select All Websites and/or the Main Website . The carrier will be applied only on the selected website.
- Customer Groups. Apply the carrier to the customers of the selected group or multiple groups.
Associated Shipping Methods
Here you can find associated methods and their parameters.
Store Titles
In this section, you're able to internationalize the name of the carrier. For example:
By clicking on 'Save' button you can:
Shipping Methods
Shipping Methods Grid
Here all methods are displayed.
Also on this handy grid you can find:
- ID
- Title
- Carrier
- Is Active
- Use Without Rates
- Base Price
- Min/Max Price Threshold
- Rate Mediation
- Is Free Shipping
- Delivery Message
- Countries
- Regions
- Websites
- Customer Groups
- Action
You can tick the method in the Actions dropdown menu and Enable/Disable it.
Add Shipping Method
The next step is to set up Conditions.
- Websites. Select All Websites and/or the Main Website. The method will be applied only on the selected website.
- Customer Groups. Apply the method to the customers of the selected group or multiple groups.
- Countries/Regions. Apply the method to the specific Country(-ies) or State/Region(-s).
Associated Shipping Rates
Here you can find associated rates and their parameters.
Store Titles
In this section, you're able to internationalize the name of the method. For example:
Also, here you can internationalize Store Delivery Messages.
By clicking on 'Save' button you can:
Shipping Rates
Rates Grid
Here all rates are displayed.
Also on this handy grid you can find:
- ID
- Method
- Priority
- Countries
- Regions
- Delivery Message
- Zip From/Zip To
- Items Price
- Cart Weight From/Cart Weight To
- Cart Qty From/Cart Qty To
- Price/Price (Weight)/Price (Item)/Price (%Item)/Price (%Base)
- Action
Add Shipping Rate
Rate Rules
Field | Specification |
Base Price | Enter the amount. |
Price by Weight Unit | Increase the price by a fixed amount for each Unit of Weight. |
Price by Item | Increase the price by a fixed amount for each Cart Item. |
Price by Item (% of Item Price) | Increase the price by a given percent of corresponding item price for each Cart Item. |
Price by Item (% of Base Price) | Increase the price by a given percent of Base Price for each Cart Item. |
The next step is to choose Conditions and specify them for each particular shipping rate application.
- Countries/Regions. Apply the rate to the specific Country(-ies) or State/Region(-s).
- Zip Codes (From/To). Enter Numeric (from/to) or String (AB_5%). Set a range of postcodes or a particular postcode to which the shipping rate will be applied. To specify a single specific postcode, fill Zip From and Zip To with the same value. The shipping rate will be applied to all the postcodes within the specified postcode range.
- Cart Items Total Price (From/To). Define the price range of products to which the shipping rate should be applied.
- Cart Weight (From/To). Specify the weight diapason to which the shipping rate will be available.
- Cart Item Qty (From/To). Determine the diapason of products quantity to which the shipping rate will be applied.
Store Delivery Messages
In this section, you're able to internationalise the delivery message.
By clicking on 'Save' button you can:
Shipping Zones
The module allows you to organise delivery destinations by area and apply the criteria immediately to the whole area at once. Include or exclude from the area different countries, states, regions, cities, zip codes, etc. For example, you can simply set up delivery to remote areas, creating a proper shipping zone that includes these destinations.
Create and easily manage all shipping zones on a handy grid, where you can see the ID, Status, Priority, Name, Action and Store Views of each zone.
Moreover, to perform mass actions, tick the rules and choose the necessary variant from the Actions dropdown menu. Delete, or Change Status in one click.
Shipping Zone Settings
Then open the General tab. Here is an example how we create a New Shipping Zone.
Choose 'Yes' to enable the Shipping Zone on.
Shipping Zone Name(mandatory field) - specify the title of the zone. It will be displayed on the grid and in the rules conditions.
Description - define additional information about the zone. For example: the cases of usage, regions included, etc. The description will be displayed on the grid as well.
Stores(mandatory field) - select store or multiple stores at the same time.
Shipping Zone Conditions
This step is about specifying the particular regions.
Click on the plus sign to see the dropdown list and choose a condition to add. Besides, the Conditions combination is available here.
By clicking on 'Save' button you can:
Shipping Rules
Shipping Restrictions
Shipping Methods & Rates
Here we will show you how it will look both on the Backend and on the Frontend pages.
Elementary Example
At the first example, the 'Cool Carrier' contains 'Next Day Delivery' shipping method. The Backend part of settings will look like this:
This method doesn't take advantage of rates functionality, therefore, the Rates Mediation setting is not used in this particular case. For this reason, the Use Even if no Rates setting is enabled.
In Conditions of the method several Regions are selected (District of Columbia, Maine, New Jersey, New York, Vermont ).
Also, the Base Price is indicated in the amount of $30.
Let's have a look on the Frontend page (view in the Cart):
Complicated Example: with Rates
In this case, the 'Cool Carrier' contains 'Air Flight — {delivery_message} business day(s)' shipping method with some Associated Shipping Rates. The Backend part of settings will look like this:
Sum ALL Rates is used in the Rates Mediation setting in this example. For this reason, the Use Even if no Rates setting is disabled.
Also, conditions of the rate we chose Canada in the Countries field.
This is how the mentioned settings will be displayed on the grid:
Finally, it will be counted as $50 comes from Base Amount + $40 from Canada rate + $11 (10+1) per unit of weight (item's weight here is 1 lbs) = $101.00
Let's have a look on the Frontend page (view in the Cart):
Shipping Calculator
The extension allows you to highlight the cheapest shipping method.
You can collapse the shipping calculator form if needed.
Also, you can change the location after the rates calculating.