Free Shipping Reminder
With the module's help, once a user has added a product to the cart, they will get a message/information about how much is missing in the cart total for free shipping. With this information, the customer receives encouragement to purchase something else in your store to get free shipping, which helps increase sales.
Module Demo
The Free Shipping Reminder module is compatible with the following Magento platforms:
Community Edition (Open Source) | Enterprise Edition (Commerce) | Cloud Edition |
2.3.0 - 2.4.* | 2.3.0 - 2.4.* | 2.3.0 - 2.4.* |
Installing module using zip file
- Unzip and paste the extension file into your root Magento folder.
- Connect to your server by SSH.
- Go to your Magento root folder.
- To install the extension, perform this command:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Composer installation
If you haven't installed any Aitoc module before, in that case, first, you will need to add your Aitoc composer repository. Please go through the document to see how you can add the composer repository.
To install the module, you will need to run the following commands:
composer require aitoc/free-shipping-reminder
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
- To switch the extension on/off, perform these commands:
php bin/magento module:enable Aitoc_FreeShippingReminder
php bin/magento module:disable Aitoc_FreeShippingReminder
- To update the module, use below command:
composer update aitoc/free-shipping-reminder
Config settings
STORES > CONFIGURATION > AITOC EXTENSIONS > Free Shipping Reminder OR AITOC > Free Shipping Reminder > Configuration
Enabled: Yes/No - Sets whether the module is enabled or disabled. If the "No" is selected, the Promo Text won't appear on front-end.
Threshold value: Enter the minimum order total amount. If the order total is less than the entered value, the user will get configured free shipping reminder text. The entered value will override Minimum Order Amount configured for the Free Shipping delivery method.
Threshold label Cart: Enter the text you want to display on the front-end cart page when the order total is less than the threshold value.
In the cart threshold label text, please mention %1 to display the remaining amount to get free shipping. Entering "%1" will show the value = "Threshold value amount - Cart Amount."
Show reminder on checkout page: If this is enabled, the Threshold label Cart message will also appear on the checkout page shipping method section.
Threshold label minicart: Enter text which will appear on the mini-cart when the order total is less than a threshold value.
Ensure that the "Free Shipping" shipping method is enabled. To enable it, you need to go to Admin > Stores > Configuration > Sales > Delivery Methods > Free Shipping Enable = Yes
How Free Shipping Reminder text will appear
Cart Page
The mentioned text in the configuration field "Threshold label Cart" will appear on the cart page.
Minicart Page
The mentioned text in the configuration field "Threshold label mini cart" will appear on the cart page.
Checkout Page
When the Show reminder on checkout page configuration is enabled. In that case, the cart page message will also appear on the checkout page shipping method section.